Wall Mounted

Versatile Wall Mounted Belt Barrier : WallMaster 300

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Versatile Wall Mounted Belt Barrier : WallMaster 300

In a world where safety and efficient access control are paramount, finding the right tools to manage foot traffic and secure areas is essential. The WallMaster 300 stands out as a versatile wall mounted belt barrier, offering a range of features designed to meet the needs of various environments. Whether you’re managing a bustling amusement park, a retail store, or a warehouse, the WallMaster 300 provides a robust and customizable barrier solution that goes beyond just tight spaces.

The Power of the WallMaster 300

The WallMaster 300 is engineered to be an all-encompassing solution for access control, combining durability, flexibility, and ease of use, here’s what makes it a top choice for a wide range of applications:

    1. Space Saving Wall Mounted Design

One of the key benefits of the WallMaster 300 is its wall mounted design. These units are naturally used in areas where space is an issue such as corridors and aisleways. Being able to be mounted onto a wall means that the floor space is not obstructed allowing the free flow of pedestrian traffic when the barrier is not in use.

    1. Durable Steel Construction

Built to last, the WallMaster 300 features a sturdy steel housing that can withstand the demands of daily use in high traffic areas. Whether it’s installed in a warehouse, a public facility, or an office, this belt barrier is designed to endure the wear and tear of constant use.

    1. Versatile Wall Mounting Systems

The Wall Master is available with a range of mounting options for ease of use in different environments.

      • Fixed Mounting:This option is for permanent installation of the barrier. The unit is screwed to the wall using the hardware provided.
WallMaster 300 Fixed showing a versatile wall mounted belt barrier
  • Removable Mounting: This mounting option allows you to reposition the WallMaster as needed. This mounting option uses a wall plate fixed to the wall that the WallMaster unit slides in and out of. By positioning wall plates whereever a barrier is needed one WallMaster can be used in multiple locations. The other advantage of this system is that when not in use the WallMaster can be removed reducing the obstruction in tight spaces.
WallMaster 300 Removable showing a versatile wall mounted belt barrier
    1. Extensive Selection of Belt Options

Customization is a key feature of the WallMaster 300. With over 50 stock belt options available, you can choose a belt that best suits your needs. From safety messages to the classic black and yellow diagonal hazard pattern, the WallMaster 300 offers a wide range of options.

Custom Safety Belts

For those looking to make an even more personalized statement, fully custom printing is also available. This feature allows you to incorporate branding, specific warnings or other custom messages further reinforcing the view of professionalism on your company.

Custom Belts
    1. Mix and Match

As shown by the top blog image, the WallMaster 300 shows its versatility by being able to be incorporated into a queueing corral. In places where it would be awkward to place a stanchion such as next to a wall, you can fix the WallMaster 300 to the wall and attach its belt to a queuing stanchion. By utilizing the WallMaster in this way you can save space as well as make an efficient yet pleasing to look at queue system.


In conclusion, the WallMaster 300 is more than just a space-saving solution; it’s a versatile wall mounted belt barrier designed to meet the diverse needs of modern access control. Its ability to be mounted in various ways, coupled with the extensive selection of customizable belt options, makes it adaptable to a wide range of environments—from busy warehouses to sleek retail stores and public facilities. Whether you need a permanent fixture or a flexible, movable barrier, the WallMaster 300 delivers reliability, efficiency, and a professional appearance. By integrating this robust wall-mounted belt barrier into your access control strategy, you can ensure safety, maintain order, and enhance the overall experience for both employees and visitors.

If you want to see more products like this one be sure to check out our other Wall Mounted Barriers

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